A few words can change your career

Great leadership starts with great communication.

Mid-level leaders, this is for you – If you want to be an effective leader, look to your communication to engage and inspire others. Luckily, you can experience the benefits of improved communication in just 7 weeks.

You used to be on top of the world. Now you feel its weight on your shoulders.

You're realizing there's more to learn about being a leader.
Gone are the days of worrying only about yourself, your work product, and your results.
These days are all about others, and the control you used to feel over your work has been replaced with the pressure that everyone relies on you – both your team and senior leaders    alike.
You need to influence, engage, inspire, and lead regardless of your role, and it has started to take a toll.
Without the tools to advocate for yourself (like a coach or a mentor), this management “reward” feels more like a burden. There are many days you leave work feeling defeated, miserable, and stuck.
It’s not clear how to fix it — or who to ask for help.

Mid-level leader, you are not alone.

You don't have to feel overwhelmed and undervalued anymore.

The truth is that middle managers are left in the lurch.
Fortunately, there’s something you can do to turn things around and ensure your success (and satisfaction) as a mid-level leader.

It doesn’t involve spending countless hours in          management training, learning about every leadership skill under the sun.

You simply need to zero in on one key area that can have a transformative impact on your work, your influence, and your entire career.
That one key area is communication.

The good news is...
Effective communication can be learned!

You're about to discover how crucial communication is to your success.

Mid-level leaders have the highest potential to impact an organization since they can turn the decisions coming from the top into actual business results from their teams on the front-line.
With the right strategies, practice, and guidance, you can learn how to communicate in a way that transforms your impact and your results.
You can stop feeling frustrated and undervalued and instead become an empowered and influential leader who garners results and respect.
We know this is true because we’ve seen countless mid-level leaders just like you tap into the power of effective communication and transform their careers.

Hi, we’re Ellen Fields
and Lisa Christiansen

— leadership coaches and business consultants

During our 25 years in corporate America, we saw the same story play out time and time again.
We knew there was an opportunity for change.

From personal experience in our own corporate careers (working at places like IKEA and DDB Worldwide), as well as thousands of hours coaching clients, we came to learn that communication is everything to your success as a leader as well as your ability to progress in your career.
Because how you communicate has everything to do with how you’re perceived, and perception determines outcomes – not the other way around.
The way others perceive you at work is the make-or-break between:

When you don’t know how to communicate effectively — you’re allowing other people to make up their own story about you.

Take back control of your perception, your outcomes, and your career.

When you learn the skills for how to communicate more effectively and make some small but impactful changes — such as how you speak, the words you choose, and your body language — everything changes.
You begin to:

Engage and inspire your team to produce great results

Make others feel valued and heard, leading to better performance

Ask the right questions that spark productive conversation and feedback

Handle conflict in a way that builds relationships instead of breaking them

Advocate for yourself and for what you need

Position yourself for promotions and higher levels of success

With the right communication strategies and tools, you can have everything you need to become an influential leader who inspires great results — as well as a powerful self-advocate who achieves your career goals.

Ready to learn how?


Communication is
the Language of Leadership™

Communication is the Language of Leadership™ is a 7-week online course that will teach you the key fundamentals of effective communication to help you transform your work and your career.
As part of Communication is the Language of Leadership™, you’ll receive:

Seven Learning Modules

That will lead you step-by-step through the key fundamentals of effective communication and how it applies to your leadership

20 Tools

To help you dig deeper into what you’re learning in the course

Private Facebook Community

To ask questions, get feedback, and join discussions with other course members

Program Breakdown

Here’s what you’ll learn and explore in each module of Communication is the
Language of Leadership™

Module One: The Power of Communication

What You Say and How You Say it Matters

We’ll kick off the course by discussing the importance of communication and the power it has to shape relationships (and your career!). We’ll explore the brain science behind communication and specifically what’s happening in your brain when you’re speaking and being spoken to. We’ll then connect brain science to leadership and show how your leadership can be affected by the way you communicate — and how you can impact the way people respond to you in return.

In this module, we’ll use the following tools:

Amygdala Hijack Tool to help you understand why you can get stressed when interacting with other people.

Conversational Intelligence® Dashboard to show you where you are as a communicator so you can set goals to become more effective.

Journaling Prompt to help you gain self-awareness on your own communication behaviors.

Module Two: Perceptions

What Are Your Verbal and Non-Verbal Cues Communicating?

In Module Two, we’ll explore an incredibly important part of communication that’s sometimes overlooked: perception. We’ll discuss what your patterns and behaviors — both in words and actions — are communicating about you and how they’re impacting the way you’re perceived by others. We’ll dig into triggers and discuss how to manage and respond to them so you stay in control.

In this module, we’ll use the following tools:

Communication Levels Chart that outlines the three different levels of communication.

Fly on the Wall Exercise™​ to see yourself in context as a communicator; observe yourself so you can become hyper aware of your own communication style in different work and life settings.

What Are Your Triggers and Why Do They Matter? - an exercise to help you pinpoint what your triggers are, what you can do to diffuse them, and ways to regain control at the moment when you’ve been triggered.

Module Three: Defining Your Purposeful Intention

The Vision for Your Leadership

Module Three is all about YOU and the type of leader you want to be. We’ll dig into and define your core values — the things in life and leadership that are the most important to you. We’ll explore how aligned your leadership is with those values and where there are gaps to fill. We’ll also discuss how to talk about — and understand — the values of others in a way that establishes connections and builds relationships.

In this module, we’ll use the following tools:

Values Exercise (by Brené Brown) that will help you define your two most important values, otherwise known as your core values.

Values Superpower Exercise to understand how your values contribute to your leadership abilities and how to better leverage them.

Values Conversation Starter Tool to help you talk about and understand others’ values.

The Experimenter Challenge, an opportunity to share your core values with your vision of how you lead and live them.

Module Four: From Pain to Power™

Letting Go of What’s Holding You Back

In Module Four, we’ll discuss an aspect of communication that often goes unnoticed: how you communicate with yourself. We’ll explore the “gremlins”, (AKA your inner critic), assumptions, interpretations, and limiting beliefs (GAILs) that may be getting in your way. We’ll then discuss how to remove the pain your inner critic is causing and instead use it as a catapult for your growth.

In this module, we’ll use the following tools:

Overcoming the Traps of GAILs Exercise that will help you identify and overcome the gremlins, assumptions, interpretations, and limiting beliefs in your communication and leadership.

Journaling Prompt to help you release the past and connect to your vision.

Pain to Power Shift™ where you’ll identify your inner critic and learn how to see it less as something to fear and more as a powerful guide.

Module Five: Effective Communication

Open to Influence

In Module Five, we’ll explore the power of listening and how effective listening helps you ask better questions, make others feel included, and opens up your opportunities for influence. You’ll also learn how to communicate in a way that people hear — and understand — what you intended so that they get the full meaning of what you are trying to say.

In this module, we’ll use the following tools:

Conversational Essentials Tool​ to help you build trust, ask difficult questions, listen to connect and go deeper when necessary.

Say More/Say Less Worksheet​ that will help you identify what behaviors you can do less of (down-regulate) and do more of (up-regulate) to elevate co-creating.

Experimenter Challenge to help you up-regulate conversations so you can have that difficult conversation you may have been avoiding.

Module Six: Shifting Momentum

Agile Conversation Skills

In Module Six, we’ll explore how to “move” with a conversation. You’ll learn how to shift a conversation when it’s negative or stuck into a conversation that presents powerful opportunities and potential for common ground. You’ll also learn how to shift yourself and others from being protective in conversations to be open, present, and trusting.

In this module, we’ll use the following tools:

Problem Solution Guide​ to help you reframe, refocus, and redirect conversations that are negative or stuck.

Experimenter Challenge where you’ll write down three upcoming conversations where these new tools will come in handy so that you can practice them beforehand.

Module Seven: Bring Your Leadership Vision to Life

Applying Your Leadership Vision

In our final module, we’ll tie it all together and create a plan to implement the communication strategies you’ve learned in the course into your real work situations. We’ll discuss the strategies, behaviors, and mindsets you need to be a great leader and be seen and heard as such. By the end of this module, you’ll have a path for how to use your new skills to benefit your communication — and your career — for life.

In this module, we’ll use the following tools:

Bringing your Leadership Vision to Life to help you define your leadership and put those behaviors into action.

Implementing your Leadership Vision Everyday to help you use your new communication strategies to build your career and enhance your leadership presence.

Communication is the Language of Leadership™ is already packed with value, but when you join now you’ll also receive the following BONUSES…

Bonus One

Tips for Managing Important Conversations

Whether you are well prepared or caught off guard for an important conversation, you have to know how to make the important points and make a strong impression.

Important conversations carry a lot of impact, and if the conversation does not unfold as planned, you have to know how to advocate for what you want and adjust to find the best solution. 
This bonus will help you prepare yourself for important conversations and what to do if the conversation gets derailed.

Bonus Two

How to Find My Superpowers

Superpowers are more than your skills and your strengths. They are what differentiates you from others who are also smart and highly skilled. Think of your superpowers as what you do + how you do it+ who you are. Once you know your Superpowers, you can lean into them and elevate your leadership.

Bonus Three

Ladder of Conclusions™: The Stories You Tell Yourself

When people disagree it is often how they interpret the ‘facts’ and create different ‘stories’– different ways of interpreting the situation, conversation or event. By examining your conversations and the stories you are telling yourself about them, you can have more productive conversations filled with empathy and mutual understanding to find resolutions quickly and effectively.

Bonus One

Bonus 1: Tips for Managing Important Conversations

Whether you are well prepared or caught off guard for an important conversation, you have to know how to make the important points and make a strong impression.

Important conversations carry a lot of impact, and if the conversation does not unfold as planned, you have to know how to advocate for what you want and adjust to find the best solution. 
This bonus will help you prepare yourself for important conversations and what to do if the conversation gets derailed.

Bonus Two

Bonus 2: How to Find My Superpowers

Superpowers are more than your skills and your strengths. They are what differentiates you from others who are also smart and highly skilled. Think of your superpowers as what you do + how you do it+ who you are. Once you know your Superpowers, you can lean into them and elevate your leadership.

Bonus Three

Bonus 3: Ladder of Conclusions™: The Stories You Tell Yourself

When people disagree it is often how they interpret the ‘facts’ and create different ‘stories’– different ways of interpreting the situation, conversation or event. By examining your conversations and the stories you are telling yourself about them, you can have more productive conversations filled with empathy and mutual understanding to find resolutions quickly and effectively.

Whew — that’s a lot of value!

Need a recap?

Here’s everything included in Communication is the Language of Leadership™:

7 video teaching modules

20 tools and

3 value-packed

Ready to become the empowered, influential, and
respected leader you know you can be?

No matter what package you purchase, your experience starts immediately once you click the “Join Now” button below, where you’ll be taken to our secure checkout. When you register, you’ll receive an email confirming your registration, as well as instructions on how to access your learning portal. If you have questions along the way, our team is here to help you get access to the content and ensure you get the most out of the program!
Choose from one of three options below:

Communication is the Language of Leadership

You’ll receive:

7 recorded video modules, delivered weekly

20 tools and exercises

Live Q&A Calls

Bonus: Tips for Managing Important Conversations

Bonus: How to Find My Superpowers

Bonus: Ladder of Conclusions™: The Stories You Tell Yourself



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Communication is the Language of Leadership

You’ll receive:

7 recorded video modules, delivered weekly

20 tools and exercises

Live Q&A Calls

Bonus: Tips for Managing Important Conversations

Bonus: How to Find My Superpowers

Bonus: Ladder of Conclusions™: The Stories You Tell Yourself

2 Group Coaching Implementation Labs with Lisa and Ellen



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Communication is the Language of Leadership

You’ll receive:

7 recorded video modules, delivered weekly

20 tools and exercises

Live Q&A Calls

Bonus: Tips for Managing Important Conversations

Bonus: How to Find My Superpowers

Bonus: Ladder of Conclusions™: The Stories You Tell Yourself

2 Group Coaching Implementation Labs with Lisa and Ellen

2 Private Personalized 45-Minute Coaching Sessions with Lisa or Ellen



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Download our free letter template for requesting that your employer covers the cost of this course!

Interested in a custom program for your team?

Corporate programs are available.
Click the button below for a custom proposal.

30-Day Money-Back


You can dive into the course for the first 30 days and experience the power of effective communication and how it can transform your leadership. If you are not satisfied with the results, you can request a refund within 30 days. This entire program is designed to help you put the knowledge that you’re learning into action. You will be asked to share your implementation and results in the program to qualify for a refund.

Frequently Asked Questions

You’ll have immediate access to Module One, as soon as you join the program. The remaining modules will be released each week. You will have access to the course materials for one year after purchasing.
You’ll have immediate access to Module One, as soon as you join the program. The remaining modules will be released each week. You will have access to the course materials for one year after purchasing.
Every individual will go at their own pace, but you should expect to set aside 1-2 hours per week to complete each module.

Submit your questions for our Live Q&A Calls via email to [email protected].

The program is 7 modules.

Questions about Next Steps?

You can reach out to our team directly by clicking the button below.

Questions about Next Steps?

You can reach out to our team directly by clicking the button below.

It absolutely IS possible to become a more successful leader...

and you will be surprised how quickly it can happen.

All you need to do is learn the key skills and strategies that will turn you into an effective communicator.
One who can harness the power of communication to engage and inspire their team, unite people together to produce amazing results, and position themselves and their career for higher levels of success.
There are small yet impactful changes you can make in your own communication that will forever change your life.
Communication is the Language of Leadership™ was designed to show you how.

Download our free letter template to ask your employer to cover the cost of this life-changing course.

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